PAT Testing

Portable appliance testing (PAT) involves visually checking and testing electrical appliances and equipment to make sure they are in a safe condition, and are therefore safe to use. Both elements of a PAT test are important as some defects can only be detected with a physical examination, and others only with testing.

Our trained and experienced electrical engineers and technicians are here to help you with every aspect of commercial PAT testing. From advising on frequency and compliance requirements, to testing and certification.

Business owners have a legal responsibility to ensure electricity safety within their organisation and PAT testing is a key part of maintaining compliance with national health and safety standards including the Electricity at Work regulations. It can also help to lower your insurance premiums.

We recommend PAT testing your electrical appliances and equipment regularly and can provide bespoke advice tailored to your specific organisation and sector. The validity of a PAT test certificate varies depending on the type of equipment, typically lasting between 2-4 years.

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