Quality Policy Statement – October 2020

Complete Detection Systems (CDS) has developed and implemented a Quality Management  System which details the procedures by which our business is managed and where we shall seek to improve aligned to our quality management objectives.

Our company and clients’ requirements and expectations shall be achieved through establishment, communication and review of our quality objectives.

Meeting the quality requirements and expectations of our stakeholders is our primary concern. Our commitment to quality will be achieved by:

  • Complying with  statutory   obligations   and  codes  of  practices   relevant  to  quality management
  • Ensuring all work is completed efficiently and to a quality standard which conforms to the agreed specifications and contract
  • Providing sufficient resources to implement and maintain a quality management program
  • Establishing and   monitoring  a   quality   management   system   consistent   with  the certification requirements of ISO 9001
  • Training employees to improve skills and knowledge of quality issues and practices
  • Identifying and resolving all non-conformances
  • Conducting regular internal audits and  management  reviews to obtain feedback  on performance

Management and Supervisory Teams have responsibilities for the implementation of this policy and must ensure that Quality issues are given adequate consideration by all employees and contractors for all works.

This policy has the full support of the CDS Board.

Simon Abley – Managing Director

Get In Touch

Email: enquiries@cdsys.co.uk
Call: 0800 260 5930