Highly specialised environment for medical research
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is home to a number of highly specialised environments for medical research, including the Anthony Nolan Cell Therapy Building. We service and maintain all fire alarm panels and devices in these buildings. As specialist medical research facilities, the buildings are sealed, sterile environments with strict access protocols and airlock sanitisation entrances. To ensure we comply fully with the sites’ requirements and protect the health and safety of our engineers, we provide our team with in-depth, onsite health and safety training covering full laboratory policies and procedures, including how to enter and exit areas protected by airlock sanitisation. We also work closely with NTU’s estates team to optimise our onsite visits and minimise risk. For example, by keeping strategic equipment stocks onsite in a secure location, including calibrated instruments that need 24 hours in a new environment to adjust to the conditions. Throughout our decades long relationship with NTU, we have shown our high level of ability in these critical environments, with full compliance and zero health and safety events.