CDS service engineer celebrates Apprentice of the Year nomination

Posted: 25.07.2022

CDS fire alarm service engineer Grace McDonald hopes her recent nomination as Apprentice of the Year at a national awards ceremony will inspire more women to join the industry.

She was cheered on by colleagues at the glittering British Security Awards event at the Marriott Hotel in London’s Grosvenor Square this week after being shortlisted for the prestigious title.

The British Security Awards, run by the British Security Industry Association, recognise security officers and companies working to keep people, property and places professionally protected.

CDS executive chairman Simon Cashmore said: “This is a brilliant achievement and we are all incredibly proud of Grace. This is such well deserved recognition for the amazing job she does.”

National sales manager Sophie Kelly said: “It’s great to celebrate female apprentices. Grace is fantastic and such an inspiration for women in the industry.”

CDS national service manager Micael Pegg added: “Grace’s work ethic, enthusiasm and commitment to this industry is outstanding. She is a joy to work with, and all at CDS are proud to have her as a valued member of the team.”

Grace is passionate about her work, an advocate for more women to join the industry and keen for the education system to encourage girls to look into a variety of careers from an early age.

“I think all trades – be it fire alarm engineering, plumbing, heating, electrical or bricklaying – should be presented to girls throughout school so they can make an informed decision about whether that’s something for them or not. When I was at school, the trades were never presented to the girls as an option,” said Grace.

“I was really fortunate to have stumbled across the fire alarm industry while unhappy in an office job, and just found the industry clicked with me and presented a career path I was really eager to follow.

“This awards ceremony gave us all a great opportunity to celebrate women in the fire industry and to see other apprentices being recognised for their dedication and commitment to an industry I truly enjoy being a part of.

“It was a lovely day out, with the CDS team cheering me on.”

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